
Book Challenge

I am not an avid reader by any means. I love books! What I mean is, I love the idea of books. I will hear about certain books and be so interested that I purchase them and then they end up sitting on my shelf for years (literally). Not because I don't want to read them but because I never make the time for them. I have unread books from birthdays and Christmas' past that I want to read so... I am challenging myself to read every single unread book I own. I am starting with the following five and then working my way over to the others. I am giving myself one month to read each book and I'm hoping if I put this challenge on the internet you all will hold me accountable in completing my mission. If you've read any of these books, please feel free to leave comments below to keep me motivated :D

One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp: I have started this book and am loving it but her writing is so "full". That's the best way I can describe her writing. It's amazingly artistic, I have to read every sentence over and over to digest everything she is communicating. She is like the female equivalent to C.S. Lewis.

Forgotten God by Francis Chan: This is one of the few that I haven't started yet. Very excited to dive into this book about the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Manifesto by Frank Viola & Leonard Sweet: Started this book and was in love with it! Can't wait to pick it up again.

Girls With Swords by Lisa Bevere: Currently reading this! Loving it! It's incredible! Pick up a copy on February 12th.

Authority In Prayer by Dutch Sheets: Started that book too!!! Ugh, I'm sensing a pattern. This book started to change the way I look at prayer. I'm sure that when I finally get through it, my prayers will be most authoritative. :)

If you've read any of these please tell me what you thought. I need all the encouragement I can get!


  1. I can tell you that Authority In Prayer absolutely changed my prayer life. Up to this point it's one of the most influential books in my walk with Christ.

    1. I know! I started to read it and it was blowing my mind but then I never finished it because I didn't make the time to. I'm really excited to start it back up again.

  2. That is so awesome, Kerrin! Way to challenge yourself! I am the same way in regard to books. I LOVE the idea of being a reader but I get distracted so easily. Reading is a huge effort hahaha

    1. Seriously!!! I want to get better at picking up a book instead of turning on the tv. Oh yeah, I haven't forgot about Watchman Nee either. The Normal Christian Life is on my list!!! :)

  3. Good idea Kerrin! I'm the same way actually and you explained it best love the idea of books not actaully reading them . I have a book shelf full of books too lol . I think I'm gonna pick up the authority in prayer book who's it by?

    1. Oh my gosh! It's so good! At least, what I've already started reading is super good. LOL It's by Dutch Sheets - yes, weird name!
