
Lately, At The Farmhouse

Lately, We...
had a visit from my Dad & Stepmom. Bought baby chicks (is that redundant?). Bought a couch. Returned said couch. Bought a brand new couch (I think this ones gonna stick). Bought a chicken coop. Had a visit from my mom. Bought new drywall. Bought a new lawnmower (Daddy is very happy). Started a skincare & workout routine. Got sick. Cut fresh flowers. Hired an electrician. Fixed our oven. Fixed our grill. Grilled Chicken. Grilled Burgers. Started potty training (kill me now). Helped neighbor with fallen over hundred year old tree. Helped other neighbor haul dirt. Saw ducks in our pond. Caught our dog wrestling a raccoon. Put up twinkle lights on our patio. Shopped for patio furniture (horrible disappointment). 
Played outside. Read outside. Found a bird's nest. Found eggshell from bird's nest. Organized the house. Organized the house some more. Got egg collecting aprons. Built Chicken coop. Went to the zoo. Flew kites. Met another neighbor. Bought kid table. Had tea parties. Had a visit from Tyler's parents. Played with bubbles. Played with water guns.
Found treasures thrift shopping. Seriously contemplated whether Hailey really needed to be potty trained. Searched for preschools. Searched for homeschool preschool teaching tools. Bought a changing table (no, i'm not pregnant...). Read & finished a book about a woman who spent time with The Amish. Got the mattress for Hailey's big girl bed. Moved crib out of Hailey's room & into the nursery. Seriously wondered when we're gonna get pregnant again. Celebrated Father's Day.
Adventured around another Idaho town. Found fabulous French children's shop. Bought Hailey a French Doll from said shop. Admired red roses blooming in front garden bed. Put drywall up (YAY! We have walls again!). Picked lighting for hallway. Watched birds pick twigs and create a nest. Sat on & admired my new couch (this ones a keeper). Wondered if I could hire someone to potty train Hailey.

Discovered how content & happy I am with this laid back country life.
xoxo, Kerrin