
have i told you lately how much i hate halloween? i really hate it! when i was a little girl, i maybe went trick or treating once or twice and then i just found it to be scary and pointless {candy was a regular part of my diet so i didn't see what the big whoop was all about}. i haven't and will never be "in" to halloween. i don't understand a "holiday" that celebrates death and all sorts of other sick and twisted things.

mom and i were on a walk around our neighborhood and one of our neighbors had strung what looked like a dead body that was duct taped and wrapped in a black garbage bag up on his street light. it's was not only disgusting but horrifying! i'm sorry, but you gotta be seriously messed up in the head to come up with something that morbid.

anywhoo. this photo was taken at my friend sarah's {aka the black swan} housewarming/costume party. i went as my favorite, holly golighty! gotta love audrey!

well, i'm off to nyc with my best tomorrow. i hope you have a smart and safe halloween if you are out and about.

xoxo, kerrin


as i mentioned before, this past saturday was spent at Mortimer Family Farm to visit the pumpkin patch. this was my first time at a pumkin patch and i gotta say, i love it! i went with some of my closest friends family and their kiddos. it was so fun watching the kids explore new things and us adults had a great time as well. i'm giving this outing an 9 out of 10. if it were a tad cooler, it would've been the perfect day!
a day at the pumpkin patch with family! nothing better!

happy wednesday!
xoxo, kerrin


|| fall off ||

happy fall! it's 90 degrees here in phoenix, i'm wearing shorts and the a/c is still on in the house. weather like this seriously ruins my picturesque visions of what fall should be. and leaves, where are all the leaves?!? we don't have those here. 
i know we have seasons in our spiritual lives and today i am wondering what fall would like like in a persons life in the spiritual sense. fall, what happens in the fall? i picture things that were once alive and well, drying up and falling off. 
what things would i like in my life to dry up and fall off {as i run a quick list through my head i am noticing they are all negative things in my life}? how do you dry up something? i guess by not watering it. so many times i feed the weeds in my life instead of letting the vine dresser prune those things out of my life.

waiting. waiting. waiting. while i'm waiting, i will serve you. while i'm waiting, i will worship. while i am waiting, i will not faint. i'll be running the race even while i wait. 

"For still the vision awaits its appointed time;
    it hastens to the end—it will not lie.
If it seems slow, wait for it;
    it will surely come; it will not delay."
- Habakkuk 2:3

xoxo, kerrin


|| life lately, according to my iPhone ||

^^^ what i wore to lori & wes's wedding || prepping for nyc with my best ^^^
^^^ The Family = hilarious || new navy jumper & shoes^^^
^^^ chillin with taylor-girl || short film festival downtown ^^^
^^^ a play starring this guy, todd isaac ^^^
^^^ happy first birthday brody ray lowder ^^^
^^^ meagan getting married || 90's chick ^^^
^^^ my one-eyed chihuahua || my little german shepherd ^^^

i know i haven't blogged in a while and for that i apologize. with that said, here's...

|| what's up...
// two days until... the pumpkin patch
// fourteen days until... nyc with mimz
// forty three days until... thanksgiving
// sixty eight days until... christmas
// seventy five days until... new years

xoxo, kerrin