
The Perfect Stocking Stuffer + A Giveaway

 every mother knows the "joys" of a crying, fussy, teething baby. am i right, ladies? well, Hailey has been teething like a man women and since she insists on sticking EVERYTHING in her mouth i have been on the lookout for the perfect teether...and i found it! i bought these amazing teething rings from Fairy Of Color and she LOVES them!

these teethers are organic maple wood rings made in the good 'ol USofA. they have two different textures for your baby to explore. they are simple and lightweight, therefore simple for your baby to hold. they have been tested for safety and are CPSIA complaint with no removable parts or beads.

they are basically God's gift to your baby's gums!
raise your hand if you have a teething baby or know of someone who does? yes, i can name about 15 mamas right now. that's why you should enter this giveaway. 

i have partnered with Fairy Of Color for a fantastic giveaway. you could win these Christmas Combo Teething Rings PLUS a 3xRing Triangle teething toy in your choice of color(s) from Fairy Of Color.

they'll make the PERFECT stocking stuffer for your Little this Christmas.

1. follow me on Instagram at @iamkerrirose
2. follow Fairy Of Color on Instagram @fairyofcolor
3. comment on this post the color(s) you'd like the 3xRing Triangle Teething Toy in, if you were to win.
OPTIONAL ENTRY: 'Like' my facebook page (+ 1 extra entry)
OPTIONAL ENTRY: follow the Fairy Of Color etsy shop (+1 extra entry)

giveaway ends December 14th and the winner will be announced on December 15th. the winner will receive their teething rings before Christmas.

Good luck & Merry Christmas!
xoxo, kerri


  1. How fun! I would choose pink, mint and grey. Numbers 17,9 and 4 according to Fairy of Colors shop page :)

  2. Yes, please!! Mint or gray :) -Liz Smith

  3. Yes, please! :) Love this. I would choose mint or gray.

  4. So cute!!! I would choose the pink, the aqua, and the mint!

  5. How do you pick a color when they're all so cute? Lol
    I'm digging the green though. And teal!

  6. I love the teal, pink, and gray!!! I have entered. FB is Ashley Bree Perez, IG is breelovesfashion, and ETSY is perezashley60 (:

  7. I would love this for my niece in mint or pink :-) ig is lovepandatiff, Tiffany mcbeath on FB and etsy

  8. Any boyish colors work for me! Hope I win for Lucas! Already bought one for Jaxon Yoder!
