
Home Is Where You Park It

Welcome to our new adventure!

As most of you already know, we made the decision to jump on the tiny house movement (sorta) & bought a 5th wheel. We will be moving into it full time in September. There were many factors that played into the decision to buy & live in a camper but the main reason was we weren't ready to buy a house & yet we didn't want to keep throwing away money on rent with no return. We had eventually planned on buying a fifth wheel since we like camping & Huck is a hunter, we just thought it would be a few years down the road after we had settled into a house. I guess we are doing it a little backwards. Who knows though, maybe we'll love camper livin' so much we'll live that way forever. 
There have also been talks of traveling full time but we haven't made that decision yet. We both want to travel & see all the amazing things & history this country has to offer so it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility. I have always wanted to live like a gypsy for a time in my life. 

We pick up our new home this coming Monday. Like my blog's facebook page here. I'll be streaming a live tour of it and answering more of your questions there. I'll also be sharing storage hacks and other fun things. 

We are so excited for this next chapter and even more excited to share it with all of you. 
xoxo, kerri

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