

How far along: day 1, week 7

Total weight gain: well, now that i'm actually able to eat again, i'm sure i'll be gaining more poundage. today was our first doctor's appointment and they told me i was 129.

Maternity clothes: not yet but lose fitting is still my prerogative right now.

Stretch marks: nope! i've been using Mama Bee Belly Butter by Burt's Bees.

Sleep: a lot! a lot if sleeping is happening.

Best moments of the week: getting to see our little blueberry on the ultrasound today and seeing the little heart beating. 147 heart rate,
"go little guy, go"

Miss anything: i was missing coke & my white mocha's from Starbucks but the doctor told me today that i could have one every once in a while as a treat but not everyday. woohoo!!! Starbucks here i come!

Movement: every new feeling i feel i think it's the baby moving but i think it's a little too early.

Food cravings: it's literally a moment by moment thing. i discovered in my horrific week 6 that the more i eat, the better i feel. i figured out that food was the trick after i ate half a steak-burger from Freddie's and cried because it was go good. today, my doctor confirmed my theory. i must now eat every two hours to keep from getting sick. i guess there are worse things,

Anything making you queasy or sick: i {praise Jesus} now have that under control... i hope!

Have you started to show yet: well, i've always kinda had a little belly that i would desperately try to suck in at all times cause let's face it, crunches? no thank you! but now, i am proudly pooching out that tummy at all times!

Gender: my husband says we are only "aloud" to have boys!"yes sir!"  i don't care, as long as he or she is healthy.

Name: ya, we've got it, but i'm not telling yet.

Labor signs: praise Jesus, no.

Belly button in or out: so far in it's not even funny.

Wedding rings on or off: on!

Happy or moody: super happy & super hungry

Looking forward to: watching my husband and his dad {grandpa/pops} put the crib together this weekend.

Favorite thing said to me this week: 

some of you were asking about our registry so i posted it to the navigation bar at the top of my blog. Also if you are interested in reading previous bumpdates, click here! i will also start posting pictures too.

xoxo, kerri

*this post was inspired by my friend Britt of dotandjoy

1 comment :

  1. You know doll, you can ask for decaf :) and still get that drink you love! :))
