

How far along: day 1, week 7

Total weight gain: well, now that i'm actually able to eat again, i'm sure i'll be gaining more poundage. today was our first doctor's appointment and they told me i was 129.

Maternity clothes: not yet but lose fitting is still my prerogative right now.

Stretch marks: nope! i've been using Mama Bee Belly Butter by Burt's Bees.

Sleep: a lot! a lot if sleeping is happening.

Best moments of the week: getting to see our little blueberry on the ultrasound today and seeing the little heart beating. 147 heart rate,
"go little guy, go"

Miss anything: i was missing coke & my white mocha's from Starbucks but the doctor told me today that i could have one every once in a while as a treat but not everyday. woohoo!!! Starbucks here i come!

Movement: every new feeling i feel i think it's the baby moving but i think it's a little too early.

Food cravings: it's literally a moment by moment thing. i discovered in my horrific week 6 that the more i eat, the better i feel. i figured out that food was the trick after i ate half a steak-burger from Freddie's and cried because it was go good. today, my doctor confirmed my theory. i must now eat every two hours to keep from getting sick. i guess there are worse things,

Anything making you queasy or sick: i {praise Jesus} now have that under control... i hope!

Have you started to show yet: well, i've always kinda had a little belly that i would desperately try to suck in at all times cause let's face it, crunches? no thank you! but now, i am proudly pooching out that tummy at all times!

Gender: my husband says we are only "aloud" to have boys!"yes sir!"  i don't care, as long as he or she is healthy.

Name: ya, we've got it, but i'm not telling yet.

Labor signs: praise Jesus, no.

Belly button in or out: so far in it's not even funny.

Wedding rings on or off: on!

Happy or moody: super happy & super hungry

Looking forward to: watching my husband and his dad {grandpa/pops} put the crib together this weekend.

Favorite thing said to me this week: 

some of you were asking about our registry so i posted it to the navigation bar at the top of my blog. Also if you are interested in reading previous bumpdates, click here! i will also start posting pictures too.

xoxo, kerri

*this post was inspired by my friend Britt of dotandjoy



this week i officially feel like i'm dying. i must have 6 babies in there or something because i am sick as a dog!

How far along: day 4, week 6

Total weight gain: how bout total weight loss? from throwing up.

Maternity clothes: baggy comfy clothes. don't let any waistband touch the tummy or i will throw up.

Stretch marks: i'm so sick, i don't even care anymore.

Sleep: when i'm not asleep, i'm throwing up.

Best moments of the week: my friend Ivy coming over to drop off groceries and other things i've been needing. it's the only time i can eat.

Miss anything: the will to live.

Movement: i'm not doing much moving or i'll throw up. oh the baby! no, no movement yet.


Anything making you queasy or sick: everything!

Have you started to show yet: no

Gender: aren't boys suppose to make you really sick?

Name: ya, we've got it, but i'm not telling yet.

Labor signs: praise Jesus, no.

Belly button in or out: so far in it's not even funny.

Wedding rings on or off: on!

Happy or moody: miserable

Looking forward to: my husband to get home from work so he can take care of me.

Favorite thing said to me this week: "don't worry, morning sickness usually only lasts up to week 16" - multiple pregnant friends.
Oh goody, only 10 more weeks of this!!!

in case you were wondering, here is a recent photo taken of me:

some of you were wondering where i got this t shirt. i got it here. to read previous bumpdates, click here!

xoxo, kerri

*this post was inspired by my friend Britt of dotandjoy


Bumpdate: 5 Weeks

How far along: day 2, week 5

Total weight gain: umm should i be monitoring that?

Maternity clothes: not yet but i ordered these shirts! and then i realized that by the time my tummy is that big, it will be the dead of winter. hooray for layering!

Stretch marks: nope! i've been using Mama Bee Belly Butter by Burt's Bees.

Sleep: a lot! a lot if sleeping is happening.

Best moments of the week: finding out that my aunt totally spoiled us and bought us our crib & car seat/stroller combo. here is a link to our baby registry in case anyone was wondering.

Miss anything: still Starbucks

Movement: not yet

Food cravings: not so much Mexican food anymore. hmm i can't think of anything specifically.

Anything making you queasy or sick: not yet

Have you started to show yet: other than the bloating, no.

Gender: my husband says we are only "aloud" to have boys!"yes sir!"  i don't care, as long as he or she is healthy.

Name: ya, we've got it, but i'm not telling yet.

Labor signs: praise Jesus, no.

Belly button in or out: so far in it's not even funny.

Wedding rings on or off: on!

Happy or moody: super happy & super sleepy

Looking forward to: August 14th, our first doctors appointment.

Favorite thing said to me this week: "you're still taking pregnancy tests?" - my best friend. i had one more pregnancy test in my cupboard and i still hadn't seen a super dark "pregnant" line so i thought, what the hey. i took the last one instead of letting it sit in my medicine cabnet and it was positively positive. ain't no denying it now!

to read previous bumpdates, click here!

xoxo, kerri

*this post was inspired by my friend Britt of dotandjoy

BUMPDATE: 4 weeks

Hooray! we are expecting!!! i peed on a stick {actually 6 sticks} & it came out positive! we couldn't be more excited! thank you for all the congrats and well wishes, they mean so much to us. please follow along on our journey as we become parents. we would love your input and interaction. i'll be posting weekly updates or "bumpdates" so i can keep a record of my pregnancy & so our family & friends can follow along too.

How far along: day 5, week 4

Total weight gain: the kid is the size of a poppy seed. i hope none!

Maternity clothes: no, but i wish i could wear them. my abdomen feels like i've done about a million sit-ups or crunches. i've been sore so i've been avoiding any article of clothing with a waistband.

Stretch marks: nope, and i will be buying the best creams, oils, etc., money can buy.

Sleep: a few nights this week have been uncomfortable due to my sore abs and then there is the getting up every few hours to pee that has been irritating. i hate having my sleep interrupted but i guess it's all in preparation.

Best moments of the week: telling my hubby i was pregnant and then telling close friends & family we are pregnant!

Miss anything: Starbucks!

Movement: not yet

Food cravings: any and all things Mexican. he's his father's son (oh yeah! it's a boy!)

Anything making you queasy or sick: not really but my taste buds have definitely changed.

Have you started to show yet: other than the bloating, no.

Gender: my husband says we are only "aloud" to have boys!"yes sir!"  i don't care, as long as he or she are healthy.

Name: ya, we've got it, but i'm not telling yet.

Labor signs: praise Jesus, no.

Belly button in or out: so far in it's not even funny.

Wedding rings on or off: on!

Happy or moody: ecstatic! i had my first Bawling My Eyes Out episode the other day when i watched a video on YouTube explaining everything that's going on inside me right now "that's happening inside meeeeee... i'm so happy" ...but picture me saying that full on belly crying with snot & tears running down my face. mmm, pretty!

Looking forward to: August 14th, our first doctors appointment.

Favorite thing said to me this week: "4 weeks! oh that's before you start telling people you're pregnant, so thank you for telling me!" - i interviewed for a second job and i wanted to be up front with my potential employer and this was her response when i told her i was pregnant. way to make a first time pregnant lady freak the heck out! like i don't worry enough what with all the new things i'm feeling going on in my body right now. thanks a lot! i got the job on the spot so i guess that makes up for it.

xoxo, kerri

*this post was inspired by my friend Britt of dotandjoy