
Homeschooling Hailey

Education is an atmosphere, a dicipline, a life" - Charlotte Mason
If you know me at all, you know that I'm a planner. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about Hailey's education. She just turned two in March so that means I've got about a year before she starts preschool. I never really thought about teaching her at home. I always just assumed she'd go to a preschool & then an elementary school & so on. The closer we get to all of this, the more research I do, and the more I start to lean towards homeschooling her. Nothing against schools at all. In fact, if we can afford the tuition, I'd really like her to attend our church's private school during her middle school and high school years. We have a while before we have to decide all that so for now, I'll focus on Preschool.

I never thought I would homeschool. I never felt qualified to teach my child. I wasn't the best student when I was in school. I never wanted to engage much. I never had a love for learning unless it was something I wanted to learn. So, I always thought I had no business educating my own child. Then I realized, we had already been teaching Hailey. We taught her how to walk, how to sleep through the night, how to say "please" & "thank you". As a parent, it's most definitely my business to educate my child.
"Every day, every hour, the parents are either passively or actively forming those habits in their children upon which, more than upon anything else, future character & conduct depend" - Charlotte Mason
I realized, I don't have to have every skill to be a homeschooler. As a mother, I only have to be willing to bring the gifts I have to the table & use them to create a unique leaning experience for her. I want to create an atmosphere that delights her & invites her to live & learn alongside me. One prayer I have for her is that she always remain teachable. Homeschooling gives us a great opportunity, with a little imagination and intention, to create an atmosphere in our home that will inspire her to love learning.

I've found some awesome communities & homeschool mamas through social media & Pinterest (I've linked them below). The more I listen to them and read their words, the more confident & excited I feel about taking this homeschool journey. There is so many resources & support for homeschoolers. The curriculum's you can purchase literally have everything mapped out for you. They break everything down & guide you every step. Something I need desperately if I'm going to be a successful homeschooler. HA!

The beautifully detailed parents guide I received with our curriculum gave me a list of things I can be doing before we start schooling. So I'm off to get those started!

If you are a homeschooler, or even if you aren't, what are your favorite resources, books, etc. for education? I'd love to hear your recommendations!

xoxo, Kerrin

Our Curriculum:
The Peaceful Preschool

Our Second Choice Curriculum:
The Habitat Schoolhouse 

Other Great Resources:
The Read-Aloud Revival. Subscribe to the podcast too!
Wild & Free Community. They also have a podcast!
Rose Henges' Homeschool Room Tour