I am so anxious & excited to start school. Since we won't start until September, I've been creating Hailey's daily schedule that we will follow loosely. It's mostly for me to use as a guide to keep me on track. I've also been working hard to get the school room set up and I've started implementing Morning Basket & Poetry Tea time. In our Morning Basket we will be doing our daily Bible study & review of things that need to be worked on.
Hailey's Daily Schedule
7:30am | Wake Up
8:00 - 9:00am | Breakfast + Morning Devotional Time
9:00 - 11:30am | Chores / Errands / or Free Play
11:30 - 12:30pm | Preschool
12:30 - 1:00pm | Lunch
1:00 - 3:00pm | Nap...
Homeschooling Hailey
Education is an atmosphere, a dicipline, a life" - Charlotte Mason
If you know me at all, you know that I'm a planner. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about Hailey's education. She just turned two in March so that means I've got about a year before she starts preschool. I never really thought about teaching her at home. I always just assumed she'd go to a preschool & then an elementary school & so on. The closer we get to all of this, the more research I do, and the more I start to lean towards homeschooling her. Nothing against schools at all. In fact, if we can afford the tuition, I'd really like her to attend our church's private school during her middle school and high school...
Lately, At The Farmhouse
Lately, We...
had a visit from my Dad & Stepmom. Bought baby chicks (is that redundant?). Bought a couch. Returned said couch. Bought a brand new couch (I think this ones gonna stick). Bought a chicken coop. Had a visit from my mom. Bought new drywall. Bought a new lawnmower (Daddy is very happy). Started a skincare & workout routine. Got sick. Cut fresh flowers. Hired an electrician. Fixed our oven. Fixed our grill. Grilled Chicken. Grilled Burgers. Started potty training (kill me now). Helped neighbor with fallen over hundred year old tree. Helped other neighbor haul dirt. Saw ducks in our pond. Caught our dog wrestling a raccoon. Put up twinkle lights on our patio. Shopped...
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